This morning the power went out. I got up around 7:30 and was on the computer and watching TV when it went off (what was I doing up at 7:30 AM, you ask? Ever since I got back from Paris my sleep schedule has been way off. I keep going to bed really early and getting up really early. blegh!). Tonight I came in and turned my TV on again, and nothing. I don’t know if something is wrong with it, or if it’s just on the wrong channel. I tried to put it on Video (which is where I think it’s supposed to be) but when I tried the remote, the batteries had corroded! Yuck! And I can’t get it to Video without the remote. Graaaaah.
It’s strange, but last time the power was out for a longtime, I was keeping my cousin that time also. It went out in the afternoon, and usually when it goes out it comes back within a 1-3 hours. But it kept dragging on and on. Which was fine during the day, because I could read. I remember, I was reading a John Grisham book. I was on a kick with the John Grisham books at the time. It was his first one, which I can’t remember the name of, but it was, you know, about a trial and stuff.
So I had been reading all freaking afternoon and was getting relly bored of it. I had given my cousin an Inu Yasha volume to read. The sun started to set, so I got out a couple of flashlights. We eached perched one on our shoulder, me on one couch and him on the other, and just layed there and read. My parents decided to go out and eat. Fine. We read.
And read.
And read.
It was getting really late. The power was still not back on. It was pitch black outside (country, y’know). I was sick to death of reading. I was started to get kinda freaked out. I kept
hearing noises.
Finallllly my parents got home.
That story had no point what-so-ever. I just felt like telling it.
Tomorrow evening I’m going to start downloading the paris pictures…. so maybe by midweek I’ll make an LJ post with details about the trip and lots of stinky pictures.